SAFRANYAM SAFFRON-LIGHT FACIAL GLOW & BRIGHTENING LIGHT FACE OIL- FREE SHIPPING A Signature Blend of Precious Saffron, Rose, Turmeric, Lotus, Lodhra, Vetiver, Tejpatta, Priyangu and Liquorice A signature blend of precious herbs, Safranyam Saffron-Light Facial-Halo is a true Beauty Elixir. This is a unique, very light-textured facial oil which is good for all skin-types. Contains Ayurvedic ingredients that are known to: Add a glow and brighten the skin Reduce large pores Keep the face looking clear Keep breakouts at bay Improve the texture of the skin Moisturise the skin SAFFRON (CROCUS SATIVUS) While you may know that Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice ever, what makes it priceless though is its uplifting aromatic appeal and skin and health-boosting benefits described in Classical Ayurvedic texts 'Bhavprakash' and ‘Astanga Hridaya’ that talk at length about Saffron’s properties that include: Complexion enhancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha balancing Astanga Hridaya even advises the use of saffron in dry and cold months due to its uber-nourishing and soothing properties Did you also know that according to this study, Saffron offers natural UV protection? The effects of saffron as a natural sunscreen and moisturiser were established and showed that in equal concentrations, saffron lotion could act as a better antisolar agent compared to homosalate.* It also has skin brightening potential.** In addition to this, Saffron is also rich in Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and works wonders for brightening the skin. In two clinical studies, its anti-pruritic (anti-itching) and complexion promotion effects have been established.*** It also contains more than 150 carotenoid compounds including safranal, zeaxanthin, lycopene and various α- and β-carotenes along with a rich source of riboflavin.**** It also has antioxidant potential and helps prevent oxidative damage .***** It also promotes wound healing by increasing re-epithelialization.****** Pharmacological activities: Antianxiety, antioxidant, wound healing. Anti-tyrosinase, muscles relaxant, anti-inflammatory , analgesics. TURMERIC (CURCUMA LONGA) It is called Kanchani (who gives glow/ or gives shine like gold), Varvarnini (who improves the skin tone), Yoshitapriya (It is liked by ladies). It has properties like Varnya (improves skin complexion) and Twaka Dosha har (protect from skin ailments). It pacifies Kapha and Pitta Doshas, reduces inflammation (Shotha), and promotes healing (Vranapaha).* FUN FACT: Because of its proposed antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, it can be used for the treatment of acne . What’s best, turmeric is also known to improve skin firmness .** Another study revealed that Turmeric regulates excessive sebum secretion in persons suffering from acne and related problems .*** It is effective in treating skin-aging induced by sun exposure , increased thickness, and reduction in elasticity of skin, skin injury and other problems.**** And that’s not all, Turmeric too has natural UV protective effect according to this study that concludes curcumin to be a potential agent for preventing radiation-induced acute inflammation and photoaging.***** Pharmacological activities: Antibacterial, Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal, lower lipid peroxidation, antivenom, anti-allergic, antidermatophytic, hepatoprotective.****** ROSE Often called the ‘Queen of Flowers’, rose brings energising aroma and skin-clarifying properties to Safranyam. According to traditional Ayurvedic texts: Rose is a complexion enhancer Is cooling and balancing Its application enhances beauty or Varna 3 drops of Safranyam reveal the aromatic and skintastic strength of rose layer by layer. Rose helps in: Calming your skin woes and your senses Helping in Facial cleansing Offering skin soothing effects Brightening and revitalising SESAME SEED OIL (SESAMUM INDICUM) Did you know sesame oil is mentioned as the best of all the oils in Ayurveda text? Sesame oil gives stability, strength, lightness in body, improves complexion, improves skin health, promotes healing in all types of wounds and strains and pacifies Vata dosha.* FUN FACT: It exhibits antioxidant activity , and its application lowers the severity of pain as it is anti-inflammatory and protects the skin from UV radiation .** Sesame Oil is also deemed safe for use as a cosmetic ingredient .*** Topical sesame oil also protects the skin from UV radiation .**** COW MILK According to Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita Sutrasthan, Cow milk is of cooling potency. It is soft and unctuous having similar properties with Ojus. Milk possesses identical properties to Ojus and is conducive to the promotion of Ojus. Cow milk is described to be an elixir par excellence (Rasayana). Milk acts as a fat- and water-soluble media for the active principles of herbs. Milk has been used in Ayurvedic oil formulations as it enhances the quality of the herbs, the pungency of the herbs is lowered so that it becomes more suitable for application. The bovine milk proteins and protein derivatives detailed in this report are described by the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook (Dictionary) to function mainly as skin and hair conditioning agents in personal care products*